Diwali 2023: Grand Festival of Lights and Joy

Diwali 2023

Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is one of the most significant festivals celebrated by Hindus and people of various cultures in India and around the world so here are some suggestions how to celebrate Diwali 2023. But what does it signify and more importantly , hell, “What to do on a Diwali Night”? And usually it is these types of festivals when you can break the ice with your neighbour whom you were trying to talk to but weren’t getting a reason to do so.

Or maybe that employee who has been working their ass off but never caught them at the right time to give back the gratitude you have for them. Or maybe that girl whose culture celebrates the festival with full oomph and awe and you wanted to ask her out but knew not where to start. So here’s the crash course on the things you can do on a Diwali Night which are appropriate. To know more about why Diwali is celebrated, click here

As to when it’s celebrated: It usually takes place in October or November, and the main day of celebration is the darkest night of the lunar month, known as the “Amavasya.”

Also it’s considered that it’s the beginning of the winter months and so to start the winters with the right energy and vibrance, diwali is celebrated with such vigour and extravagance.

And if you’re a guy like me who gets bored easily and every other seconds sticks his fingers in the nostrils or the ear holes just to do some thing then you will probably be wondering “hell what to do on a diwali night like this”, well fret not cause this article has been written with you in mind.

I mean you can very well do your regular stuff you know, watch the game on tv, hang out with friends but this is no normal night and all sorts of spiritual and material manifestations can com true on the night or atleast the seed can be planted for those manifestation to sprout. But for the more practical one out there here’s some things to ponder upon.

Also checkout this article for related info here and here.

Lighting Diyas and Candles

diyas for Diwali 2023
diyas or earthen clay lamps for (Diwali 2023)

For the Simple and minimalists out there this is the perfect way to celebrate Diwali. No hassle and tassel just plain ol lamp o light is fine and it also looks what the kids nowadays call “aesthetic”. Diwali is all about illuminating darkness with light. People decorate their homes with traditional earthen oil lamps (diyas), candles, and colorful electric lights.

The lamps are lit with preferably the cooking oil or ghee as its called in its raw form in India as a sign of respect as it is the oil which most houses use to cook food. Lighting these lamps is symbolic of driving away darkness and welcoming positivity and prosperity.



rangoli for diwali 2023
sophisticated rangoli design with inlay mini candles for (Diwali 2023)

This is “the” best thing which you can do on a diwali night and Diwali 2023 we can see some exuberant colors to create the beautiful intricate designs and patterns usually before the entrance door , the courtyard or in the centre of the house if everyone in the family agrees to have its there (although it’s highly unlikely).

Most of the rangolis made are just from a coloured powder ,rice, or flower petals which can easily be swept away by a strong gust of wind but if you are really the adament sort than you can buy the permanent variety too if you are up for the cleaning afterwards. Rangoli adds to the festive ambiance and is believed to bring good luck. For some designs and patterns on diwali 2023 rangoli click here.


Puja and Worship

A couple worshiping deities
A couple worshipping deities (Diwali 2023)

Being a Major festival of India, it has its ties to the spiritual and mystical realms as well. Well this is the autumn time right, when the leaves are dying and everyone and everything is preparing to face the harsh and unforgiving winters so the puja is mainly to win over the protection of the gods and goddesses.

  • Cleaning and Decorating the House: Before the puja, homes are thoroughly cleaned and decorated with rangoli to welcome the deities and bring positive energy.
  • Preparing for the Puja: The family members gather in a clean and designated area of the house, usually the puja room or a central space. They wear clean and traditional attire as a sign of respect and devotion.
  • Invoking Lord Ganesha: The puja typically begins by invoking Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, and seeking his blessings for the successful completion of the Diwali puja. This is done by offering prayers and performing aarti (lighting lamps and incense).
Lord Ganesha
Lord Ganesha, believed to be the remover of obstacles from one’s life (Diwali 2023)
  • Worship of Goddess Lakshmi: The main focus of Diwali puja is the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Wealth is more worshipped diwali 2023 but we should understand the deeper significance of the festival and should offer prayers, chant hymns, and recite mantras dedicated to the goddess.
  • Lighting Diyas and Lamps: Lamps and candles are lit throughout the house, especially near the entrances and windows, to illuminate the path for the goddess and to symbolize the victory of light over darkness.
  • Offering Sweets and Fruits: Devotees offer a variety of sweets, fruits, and traditional delicacies to the deities as a symbol of gratitude and to seek their blessings for abundance and prosperity.
  • Offering Prayers to Ancestors: Many Hindus also offer prayers and pay respects to their ancestors on Diwali night. This is usually done by lighting a lamp and offering food and water to honor their memory.


Exchanging Gifts

gifts for diwali 2023
A girl giving gift (Diwali 2023)

Exchanging gifts on Diwali is a cherished tradition that adds joy and excitement to the festival. The practice of giving and receiving gifts symbolizes love, appreciation, and goodwill among family members, friends, neighbors, and colleagues more so during Diwali 2023. Here’s an elaboration on the significance and customs of exchanging gifts during Diwali:

  • Expressing Gratitude: Diwali is a time for expressing gratitude and appreciation to those who hold significance in our lives. By giving gifts, people convey their love and thankfulness to others for their support, friendship, and kindness throughout the year.
  • Strengthening Bonds: Diwali fosters a sense of unity and togetherness. Exchanging gifts helps in strengthening the bonds between individuals and communities, spreading a message of harmony and understanding.
  • Symbol of Prosperity: Gifts exchanged during Diwali often include items representing wealth, prosperity, and good luck. It is believed that giving gifts with these positive associations brings blessings and good fortune to the recipient.
  • Spreading Joy: The act of giving gifts is joyful in itself, and it brings happiness not only to the recipient but also to the giver. The anticipation and excitement of receiving and giving gifts create a festive atmosphere during Diwali.
  • Sweets and Treats: One of the most common gifts exchanged during Diwali is sweets and traditional delicacies. Gifting sweets symbolizes the sweetness and joy of the festival, and it reflects the Indian cultural practice of offering treats to guests and loved ones.
Sweets for Diwali
Traditional sweets for diwali (Diwali 2023)
  • Cultural Exchange: Diwali is a multicultural festival celebrated by people from diverse backgrounds. Exchanging gifts provides an opportunity for cultural exchange and appreciation of different traditions.
  • Professional and Social Relations: Beyond family and friends, people also exchange gifts with colleagues, clients, and acquaintances. This practice helps in nurturing professional and social relationships and fostering a sense of goodwill in the workplace and community.
  • Thoughtful Gestures: The significance of the gift lies not in its monetary value but in the thought and care put into choosing it. A well-thought-out gift reflects the giver’s consideration of the recipient’s preferences and interests.
  • Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Gifting: In recent times, there has been a growing emphasis on eco-friendly and sustainable gifting during Diwali. Many people opt for handmade, locally sourced, or environmentally friendly gifts to promote sustainable practices.


Fireworks and Crackers

Chakri or a spinning disc which is lit and it twirls on the ground (Diwali 2023)

Fireworks and crackers have been a traditional part of Diwali celebrations in many regions. During Diwali, people light firecrackers and fireworks to add to the festive atmosphere and celebrate the triumph of light over darkness. However, in recent years, there has been a growing concern about the environmental and health impacts of fireworks, leading to discussions about responsible and sustainable celebrations.

  • Cultural Significance: Fireworks and crackers are believed to symbolize the victory of good over evil, echoing the ancient mythological stories of Diwali, such as the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana. Bursting fireworks and lighting crackers are seen as a way of dispelling darkness and bringing joy to the festival.
  • Festive Atmosphere: Fireworks create a visually stunning and vibrant atmosphere during Diwali. The sky is lit up with colorful lights and patterns, adding to the festive spirit and excitement of the celebration.
Diwali 2023 Night
A typical night of Diwali (Diwali 2023)
  • Environmental Concerns: Fireworks release harmful pollutants into the air, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter, which can worsen air quality and cause respiratory problems, particularly for those with pre-existing health conditions. The loud noise from fireworks can also be distressing for animals, birds, and some individuals.
  • Safety Issues: Improper use of fireworks can lead to accidents and injuries, especially when handled by children or inexperienced individuals. It is crucial to follow safety guidelines and exercise caution when using fireworks.
  • Alternatives: In response to the environmental and health concerns associated with fireworks, some communities are opting for alternative ways to celebrate Diwali. These alternatives may include using eco-friendly fireworks that produce fewer pollutants, limiting the use of crackers, or replacing fireworks with other forms of celebration, such as lighting lamps (diyas), organizing cultural events, and spending quality time with family and friends.
Flying Lantern
A Somewhat safe and greener option than the big bombs on the Diwali Night, A Flying Lantern (Diwali 2023)
  • Sustainable Celebrations: Many people are now advocating for sustainable Diwali celebrations, which involve mindful and responsible practices. This can include reducing or avoiding the use of firecrackers, promoting eco-friendly products, and respecting the environment and well-being of others during the festivities.


Family Gatherings and Feasts

Sharing the spark of Diwali, lighting each other Phuljhadis… (Diwali 2023)

Family gatherings and feasts are an integral part of Diwali celebrations, especially in Indian culture. Diwali is a time when families come together, relatives visit each other’s homes, and friends reunite to celebrate the festival with joy and enthusiasm. Here’s an elaboration on the significance and customs of family gatherings and feasts during Diwali:

  • Reuniting with Loved Ones: Diwali provides an excellent opportunity for families to reunite and spend quality time together. Many people make special efforts to travel back to their hometowns or ancestral homes to celebrate Diwali with their parents, grandparents, siblings, and extended family members.
  • Decorating and Preparing the Home: Before the family gathering, homes are thoroughly cleaned and beautifully decorated to welcome guests. Rangoli designs adorn the entrance, and colorful lights brighten up the entire house, creating a warm and festive ambiance.
  • Rituals and Puja: The family gathering often starts with the performance of Diwali puja (worship) together. Family members gather around the puja area, which may be a specially decorated room or a central space in the house, to offer prayers, light lamps, and seek blessings from deities, especially Goddess Lakshmi.
  • Exchanging Gifts: During the family gathering, it is customary for family members to exchange gifts as a token of love and appreciation. Sweets, dry fruits, clothes, and other thoughtful gifts are exchanged, adding to the festive spirit.
  • Feast and Special Meals: Diwali is synonymous with delicious food and feasts. Families prepare a variety of traditional dishes, sweets, and snacks for the occasion. The meal often includes an array of vegetarian delicacies, as many people observe vegetarianism during Diwali.
Pulao cooked in handi or clay pot (Diwali 2023)
  • Sharing and Bonding: The feast is not just about indulging in tasty food but also about sharing and bonding with loved ones. The act of sitting together and enjoying a meal fosters a sense of togetherness and strengthens family ties.
  • Lighting Diyas and Lamps: Lighting diyas and lamps is a significant part of Diwali celebrations. Family members often light diyas and candles together, both inside and outside the house, to symbolize the victory of light over darkness and to bring positivity and prosperity into their lives.
  • Cultural Activities: Family gatherings during Diwali may also include cultural activities such as singing traditional songs, performing folk dances, and engaging in other festive rituals.
  • Creating Lasting Memories: Diwali family gatherings are cherished moments that create lasting memories. It is a time for laughter, storytelling, and reliving old memories, making the celebration even more special.


Charity and Giving

A subtle reminder of being grateful on the occasion (Diwali 2023)

Charity and giving are significant aspects of Diwali celebrations for many communities. During Diwali, people engage in acts of generosity and compassion by giving to those in need. This practice of charity is deeply rooted in the cultural and spiritual ethos of the festival. Here’s an elaboration on the importance and customs of charity and giving during Diwali:

  • Auspicious Time for Giving: Diwali is considered an auspicious time for charitable activities. Hindus believe that performing acts of charity and giving during this time brings blessings and positive karma. It is believed that the blessings of the recipients of charity and the joy it brings them further enhance the auspiciousness of the festival.
  • Helping the Less Fortunate: Diwali serves as a reminder to care for the less fortunate and those in need. People come together to support charitable causes, donate to organizations, and extend help to individuals or families who may be facing financial hardships.
  • Donating Food and Essentials: One of the common ways of giving on Diwali is by donating food, clothes, and essential items to the underprivileged. Many communities organize food drives, distribute clothes, and provide basic necessities to those who are struggling.
  • Giving Gifts to the Needy: During Diwali, people also give gifts to the needy and disadvantaged members of society. This act of kindness not only brings happiness to the recipients but also spreads the spirit of Diwali’s joy and celebration.
  • Supporting Education: Education is highly valued during Diwali, and people often contribute to educational initiatives, scholarships, and schools for underprivileged children.
  • Lighting Lamps and Diyas for the Needy: In addition to physical gifts and donations, some people also light diyas and lamps in the homes of those who are unable to do so themselves. This gesture symbolizes spreading the light of happiness and hope to all, regardless of their circumstances.
An oil lamp
An oil lamp was and is a sign of prosperity and good luck (Diwali 2023)
  • Visiting Orphanages and Old Age Homes: Many people visit orphanages and old age homes during Diwali to spend time with the residents, share love, and offer gifts. These visits provide companionship and warmth to those who may be feeling lonely.
  • Celebrating the Joy of Giving: The act of giving on Diwali is not only about meeting the material needs of others but also about experiencing the joy of giving and connecting with the essence of the festival.


Cultural Performances

Kids playing roles of gods in Raamleela (Diwali 2023)

Cultural performances during Diwali are an integral part of the festival celebrations, especially in communities that emphasize music, dance, and artistic expression. These performances add vibrancy and entertainment to the festivities, reflecting the cultural diversity and richness of the region. Here’s an elaboration on the various cultural performances commonly seen during Diwali:

  • Folk Dances: Different regions in India have their unique folk dances that are showcased during Diwali celebrations. For example, the Garba and Dandiya Raas dances are popular in Gujarat, while the Bhangra dance is common in Punjab. These folk dances involve colorful traditional costumes, rhythmic movements, and upbeat music, and they bring together people of all ages to participate in the revelry.
  • Classical Music and Dance: Classical music and dance performances are a prominent feature of Diwali celebrations in many cities and cultural centers. Classical dance forms like Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Odissi, and others, along with classical vocal and instrumental music, are presented by accomplished artists during Diwali cultural events.
  • Drama and Skits: Theatrical performances, skits, and plays with themes related to Diwali or Indian mythology are enacted during the festivities. These performances often focus on mythological stories from epics like the Ramayana, depicting the victory of good over evil or the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya.
Raamleela Actors
Actors ready to play thier part in Raamleela (Diwali 2023)
  • Devotional Singing: Bhajans (devotional songs) and kirtans (chanting sessions) dedicated to various deities, especially Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Rama, are organized during Diwali celebrations. These devotional performances create a spiritual atmosphere and invoke a sense of devotion among the audience.
  • Light and Sound Shows: In some places, elaborate light and sound shows are organized during Diwali. These shows use innovative technologies to showcase the history, mythology, and cultural significance of Diwali through captivating visuals and narrations.
  • Cultural Exhibitions: Diwali 2023 cultural events often include exhibitions of traditional art, handicrafts, and cultural displays. Local artisans and craftsmen showcase their talents, and visitors can purchase traditional artifacts and souvenirs.
Various handicraft items can be seen around the bazaars in Diwali days (Diwali 2023)
  • Street Performances: In bustling cities and towns, street performers entertain the crowd with various acts like jugglers, magicians, acrobats, and musicians, adding an element of fun and excitement to the festivities.
  • Rangoli Competitions: Rangoli competitions are held during Diwali, where people create intricate and colorful designs on the ground using colored powders, rice, flower petals, or other materials. These competitions encourage creativity and traditional art forms.
  • Talent Shows and Competitions: Schools, colleges, and community organizations often organize talent shows, dance-offs, singing competitions, and other cultural contests during Diwali 2023, allowing participants to showcase their skills and talents.


Lakshmi Puja

Lakshmi Puja is one of the central rituals performed on Diwali, especially in Hindu households. It is dedicated to worshipping Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. Lakshmi Puja is conducted with great devotion and enthusiasm, and it involves various rituals and customs. Here’s an elaboration on the significance and steps of performing Lakshmi Puja on Diwali:

  • Preparation: Before beginning the puja, the house is thoroughly cleaned, and the puja area is decorated with flowers, rangoli designs, and colorful cloths. A central space, such as a puja room or a clean corner of the house, is set up for the puja.
  • Kalasha Sthapana: The puja begins by establishing a Kalasha, which is a pot or vessel filled with water, mango leaves, and a coconut on top. The Kalasha symbolizes abundance and the presence of Goddess Lakshmi. It is placed on a bed of rice and surrounded by grains, symbolizing prosperity.
The Kalash is considered a symbol of abundance, prosperity, and divine presence. (Diwali 2023)
  • Invoking Lord Ganesha: Before worshipping Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, is invoked. This is done by offering prayers and performing aarti (lighting lamps and incense) to Lord Ganesha to seek his blessings for the successful completion of the puja.
  • Worship of Goddess Lakshmi: The main focus of Lakshmi Puja is the worship of Goddess Lakshmi. Devotees offer flowers, incense, lamps, and sweets to the goddess, while chanting hymns and mantras dedicated to her. The mantra “Om Shreem Mahalakshmiyei Namaha” is often chanted during the puja.
  • Offering Sweets and Fruits: Special offerings of sweets, fruits, and traditional delicacies are made to Goddess Lakshmi as a symbol of gratitude and to seek her blessings for material and spiritual prosperity.
Goddess Lakshmi
Goddess Lakshmi (Diwali 2023)
  • Lighting Diyas and Lamps: Lighting lamps and diyas is an essential part of Lakshmi Puja. Lamps are placed all around the puja area and throughout the house to illuminate it and welcome the goddess with light.
  • Aarti and Mantra Recitations: After the offerings, an aarti is performed for Goddess Lakshmi. Devotees wave lamps in a circular motion in front of the deity while singing praises and hymns dedicated to her.
  • Distribution of Prasad: Once the puja is complete, the prasad (blessed offering) is distributed to all family members and guests. It typically consists of the sweets and fruits that were offered to the goddess during the puja.
  • Cultural Performances: After the puja, family members often engage in cultural performances, including singing bhajans, dancing, and enjoying traditional music.
  • Lakshmi Puja during Diwali is a time of devotion, gratitude, and seeking blessings for prosperity and well-being. The puja not only connects people with the divine but also reinforces the importance of gratitude, humility, and the values of love, compassion, and generosity in their lives.


Enjoying the Festive Atmosphere

this Diwali 2023

Night Sky During Diwali
Diwali Night Sky (Diwali 2023)

Participate in local community celebrations, visit illuminated markets, and soak in the vibrant and joyful atmosphere of Diwali 2023.

Still if you still are unable to decide what to choose from the various options already listed, go visit a park or any open area around you and wait for the dusk to descend and behold the night sky filled with colors of all sorts and brightness paint a vivid picture before you.

And that I guess is the whole purpose of Diwali or in fact any festival really is, to rest and to slow down and reflect on life and if possible to give back to the community and family whatever you can. Go visit friends who have been parted from you for way too long, thank the janitor or whosoever needs to hear it and be grateful for the breath and consciousness which you possess.

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